Thursday, 16 September 2010

SALON Du MERCREDÌ - Centre international d’art de Vassivière



The Centre International d’Art et du Paysage de l’île de Vassivière and Chiara Parisi, welcomes Alex Cecchetti’s “Wednesday Salon” with interventions by: Jonathan Lahey Dronsfield, Mark Geffriaud, Yoann Gourmel, Geraldine Longueville, Benoît Maire, Simone Menegoi, Darius Miksys, Francesco Pedraglio, Laetitia Queyranne, Caterina Riva, Elodie Royer, Jennifer Teets, Pieternel Vermoortel.

Dear All,

What is not is not and what is, is.

What is not calls us with no voice and we often respond with imagination. Visualizing the nothingness may seem in this case more a paradox. A large part of the ongoing contemporary tale deals with the dematerialization of the material and materialization of the invisible. I am not only concerned with the process of abstraction and withdrawl of reality, I also intend with invisible what is non-perceptible, inexpressible, non-understandable, but still real. The future is invisible and becomes invisible again as it rolls back into the past. Invisible is also what does not exist and will never be. This is much harder. How and why can we conceive this black hole of void? Can nothingness really be understood with imagination or is it a product of imagination itself? Is this invention a tool for some kind of human project of inverting the universe?

During a conversation with Darius Miksys about dreams, we both agreed that everything is for real, or as a Chinese philosopher once said: ‘all things are in the world and there is nothing behind it’. If the void is here, where is it?

Once again I invite you to a very challenging conversation, something perhaps beyond our capacities. Jump in or out of the pool, when it’s empty or when it’s full, as you prefer. Let’s face the nonsense of the void, the conundrum of nothingness, and the riddle of emptiness. Please come and see how to create the void with a patch.

See you soon or elsewhere.

Alex Cecchetti