Friday, 27 November 2015

Tania Pérez Córdova / Francesco Pedraglio - Descripción de una entrevista - Parallel Oaxaca - 20nov/17dic 2015

Descripción de una entrevista
Tania Pérez Córdova / Francesco Pedraglio
20nov - 17dic, 2015


-    He moves a temporary wall previously constructed to cover one of the two doors and blocks one entrance
-    With a knife, he cuts a frame into the temporary wall and partially reveals the street behind
-    He starts talking
-    Imagine 9 possible scenarios for Calle Santo Tomas
-    Using the leftover cut off from the temporary wall, he traces the contour of a frame on a large sheet of paper
-    Scenario 1: a man walking down a busy market with a crate of avocados on his left shoulder
-    Using a brush, he glues a sheet of paper to the wall
-    Scenario 2: a fleeting love story… he draws the contour, glues paper to the wall
-    Scenario 3: a detective story… drawing and glueing
-    Scenario 4: the beginning of a novel as a yet-to-be-written story… drawing and glueing
-    Then again: the intermezzo story, the patriotic story, the filmic story, the dark story, the surreal story… all while glueing and pasting.
-    In the meantime, night falls over the whole scene
-    Outside on the street, a parked car with hazard lights on
-    The alarm goes off
-    She lowers the drivers window
-    A yellow frame is fitted onto the temporary wall as to perfectly frame the street, the sidewalk, the parked car, and her
-    Now turn of about 180 degrees on your own axis
-    The 10th scenario is about her dream and goes more or less like this:
-    A man and a woman, a dusty road, a car and a gun 

Friday, 23 October 2015

The Place of the Scene - @ new 'Bloc Project' space - Sheffield

  • Rowena Harris
  • Fay Nicolcon
  • Joanne Masding
  • Francesco Pedraglio
Friday 23 October 2015
Exhibition continues to 21 November 2015.

Bloc Projects look forward to welcoming you to our new gallery space for the preview of The place of the scene, featuring:

- Rowena Harris – Fay Nicolson – Joanne Masding – Francesco Pedraglio -

A special preview event will take place on Friday 23 October 2015, with a new exhibition in the gallery and food, drinks and music in the courtyard.

As the first exhibition in our newly completed space, we are delighted to present The place of the scene, a group exhibition featuring new and existing work by Rowena Harris, Fay Nicolson, Joanne Masding and Francesco Pedraglio.
The exhibition concerns intersections between the physical, mental and digital, exploring the possibility of occupying them simultaneously, and accepting the slippage of fiction between them. Interwoven through the works are suggestions of the body, interruptions and eruptions of sound, fragments of narrative alongside ambiguous materials and architectures. Through works in video, sculpture, painting and print, the show points to the elusive nature of the place and moment of production, and with it a sense of something unfolding, like a gesture within a broader sense of actions.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Nemici: Saturday November 7th 2015 at the Rich Mix Arts Centre - London

Saturday November 7th 2015 at the Rich Mix Arts Centre
An ambitious celebration of contemporary Italian & British poetry and art in London!
The first instalment of the Nemici project will take place in London, and will bring together Italian poets from all over Italy and all over Europe, to work in collaboration, as pairs, with a series of British poets. Each pair will produce original work for the night, in what should be a great testament to the dynamic potential of collaboration alongside the best of the rapidly evolving 21st century Italian literary tradition.
Daniela Cascella & James Wilkes 
Giovanna Coppola & Clover Peake
Alessandro Burbank & SJ Fowler
Christian Patracchini & Richard Skinner
Livia Franchini & Georgia Rodger
Francesco Pedraglio & Paul Becker
Roberto Minardi & John Goodby
Davide Castiglioni & Alex Houen
Francesca Serragnoli & Annabel Banks
Marco Fazzini & Douglas Reid Skinner
Andrea Inglese & tba
& videopoetry from  Ariadne Radi Cor

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Protagonist - Piano Nobile, Geneva - September 24th to October 31st

The Protagonist, an exhibition by Francesco Pedraglio
PV: Thursday, September 24th
September 24th to October 31st

Francesco Pedraglio's film, produced for this exhibition and extended into an installation, is a collage of literary references, filmic language and broken-up narratives that reveal its own inner workings. The construction of a main character becomes a happening in front of the camera and becomes the focus of the film itself, starting with a conversation recorded in a legendary Geneva cinema.

Curators: Madeleine Amsler and Marie-Eve Knoerle

Friday, 10 July 2015

Fig. 2 - Monday 13 / Sunday 19 July

13 – 19 Jul 2015
At ICA Studio (in association with Outset)
Opening Monday 6 – 8pm
Patrick Coyle and Francesco Pedraglio’s first collaborative exhibition takes the form of a conversation based on recent bodies of work. Both working with forms of visual and spoken language, investigating the dichotomies of meaning, narrative and thought forms, their exhibition forms the ground for a dialogue that manifests itself as text, images, objects and spoken word. The aesthetic articulations and conceptual approximations converge and diverge from one another, creating a breathing space for emergence of unprecedented meaning and associations. The opening and closing of the exhibition will host two performances by Coyle and Pedraglio influenced by a floating cedilla and based on an unauthorised translation of a poem by Edoardo Sanguineti, respectively.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

(poema) - Norma Mangione Gallery - Turin - 16 giugno – 25 luglio 2015

Norma Mangione Gallery
Via Matteo Pescatore 17
Turin, Italy

A poem that is also another poem or a poem in a language that is the same poem in another language yet also a different one (in both languages) and that is imaginable as an intermittent line that becomes a wall drawing deliverable out loud in a room and that at the same time is also a dialogue between two friends discussing a group of objects some of which are images that could be read as symbols or should be read simply as a poem that is also another poem and so on.

At the same time, other things happen in every other place.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

SINKHOLE - new online publishing project

Newly commissioned sound and spoken-word works are presented alongside occasional archive material. Recordings are available for sale as downloadable MP3 files.

With works by Michael Dean, Francesco Pedraglio, Holly Pester and Ivan Seal.
