Jochen Dehn, Elodie Royer & Yoann Gourmel, Achim Lengerer, Nicolas Chardon and Geraldine Longueville (in collaboration with La Vitrine), Christian Alandete, Pierre Leguillon and the students from Maria Fusco’s writing workshop at Kadist Art Foundation.
From 7pm at La Galerie
In the framework of La Galerie's exhibition À corps & à texts, the event is an informal night of readings, performances and screenings taking place between the exhibition space and the residency’s studio at Noisy-le-Sec.
Tackling different views on artistic production through a specific attention on cross-fields practices, fluidity of the writing medium, editing and quoting, the night is also an organic gathering of proposals, questions and impressions by different Paris-based artists, curators and writers met during the three months curatorial residency at La Galerie.

Students from Maria Fusco’s writing workshop reading their texts

Students from Maria Fusco’s writing workshop reading their texts

Elodie Royer & Yoann Gourmel, Les informations supplémentaires

Elodie Royer & Yoann Gourmel, Les informations supplémentaires

Nicolas Chardon and Geraldine Longueville, SUDOKUSQUARE (Love song)
Purely abstract, we'll never be lost in translation!

Jochen Dehn, Ce que c'est, la différence entre une voyage et une maladie

Jochen Dehn, Ce que c'est, la différence entre une voyage et une maladie

Jochen Dehn, Ce que c'est, la différence entre une voyage et une maladie

Jochen Dehn, Ce que c'est, la différence entre une voyage et une maladie

Jochen Dehn, Ce que c'est, la différence entre une voyage et une maladie

Jochen Dehn, Ce que c'est, la différence entre une voyage et une maladie

Pierre Leguillon during his presentation at La Galerie's studio space

Christian Alandete presents R.A.S
Achim Lengerer, P.S. the show's title was: the film as a page of victor hugo rewritten in the style of nerval
Achim Lengerer, P.S. the show's title was: the film as a page of victor hugo rewritten in the style of nerval
Achim Lengerer, P.S. the show's title was: the film as a page of victor hugo rewritten in the style of nerval
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