Thursday 1 September 2011

Public School 'Performance Art Today' - Freestate, Ostend (BE), 3 September 2011

Francesco Pedraglio (UK), Hedwig Houben (NL), Sébastien Rien (B), Sofie Haesaerts (B), Dennis Tyfus (B)

In the context of Freestate curator Laurence Dujardyn proposes a Public School class on the status of performance in art today. It is striking that the use of performance and intervention as media often works liberating and that artists use these as a way to break existing categories and systems. As such the history of performance can be seen as a series of waves, related to the periods when art and to extension society wanted to reinvent itself. Many works produced by artists at present witness such a refusal against categorisation, while taking on a position between self-questioning and a sense of responsibility.

Starting at 2pm, the day will consist out of several performances and interventions by artists living in Belgium and abroad, followed by a concluding discussion with all the participants. Throughout the day a Sculptural workshop for foodies will be conducted by Sofie Haesaerts(to participate please subscribe at , the results of which will be cooked and served in a communal BBQ dinner starting from 6.30 pm. Following onto that more than 20 bands will be playing a 12 hours FEVER-covermarathon in an old barge next to the warehouse, organized by Ültra Eczema/ Dennis Tyfus.

More info at

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